The fourth season of our groundbreaking cybersecurity drama series finds Mark and his new family at Good Shepherd Cybersecurity reaping the rewards for their hard work and brilliance. There’s a smart new office and a team of enthusiastic new colleagues to help them. Mark, AJ, Fiona and Maurice are called in when a major international energy company is targeted by a terrifying ransomware attack. Mark’s sister Violet makes a welcome return to the fold to deploy her unique skills in a high profile project, but Charlotte is proving a tougher challenge. Question is, who is the evil mastermind behind this next level threat? How will the team spirit hold up when the stakes have been raised to unprecedented heights? Seeking the answers will take Mark and his friends on a journey that will test their loyalties and formidable technical capabilities beyond anything even they can imagine.
Catch up on seasons 1-3 here:
See behind the scenes, inside the episodes, meet the characters and more:
The fourth season of our groundbreaking cybersecurity drama series finds Mark and his new family at Good Shepherd Cybersecurity reaping the rewards for their hard work and brilliance. There’s a smart new office and a team of enthusiastic new colleagues to help them. Mark, AJ, Fiona and Maurice are called in when a major international energy company is targeted by a terrifying ransomware attack. Mark’s sister Violet makes a welcome return to the fold to deploy her unique skills in a high profile project, but Charlotte is proving a tougher challenge. Question is, who is the evil mastermind behind this next level threat? How will the team spirit hold up when the stakes have been raised to unprecedented heights? Seeking the answers will take Mark and his friends on a journey that will test their loyalties and formidable technical capabilities beyond anything even they can imagine.
Catch up on seasons 1-3 here:
See behind the scenes, inside the episodes, meet the characters and more: